Unplugging Yourself as a Realtor
- Staff
- June 14, 2022
- Guides
- efficient working
As a realtor you spend a lot of time on your phone, on your computer, driving around and staying connected with your community. It can be a job that overtakes your personal life and at some point you will realize that it’s important for you to step back and unplug yourself as a realtor. Here are some ways that you can start to take those baby steps towards unplugging:
Stop Over Thinking
Stop thinking that every moment you are away from your email, social media, and your clients that it is all going to fall apart. It’s easy to think that for one second if you take time for yourself away from work that when you get back to it, it won’t exist anymore. Everybody feels this way at some point in their career, but rarely is this ever the case. Whether you have somebody working for you or you run your own business, it is going to take something major for everything to come crashing down. So take a deep breath and relax.
Develop a Plan
Develop a plan for when you HAVE to be connected and when you don’t have to be. By scheduling events and telling your clients when you will not be available you are going to eliminate those late night phone calls, early morning emails of panic and having clients that think you will work for them 24/7. When you plan a vacation make yourself unavailable during most of it, letting everyone know when you will be checking email and voicemail.
Embrace Silence
Turn your phone on silent. It is easy for you to hear your phone ring or a notification noise that you have new messages to pick up your phone and see what’s going on. If your phone is on silent you won’t hear any of those annoying sounds and you will be able to get your mind off of it. Although this might not be ideal when it is business hours, when you’re done for the day you should not have to worry about a client calling you and disrupting your dinner.
Work smarter, not harder.
Know how many hours you have each day dedicated to work and use that time as efficiently as possible. Make your priorities take longer and don’t waste time in areas that are not as important, whatever they may be. Time management is the key to unplugging yourself as a realtor.
Bottom Line
These four tips can help you to discover what is right for you to gain a balance of your work and personal life. To find that perfect balance might require a lot of adjustments to your daily life, but once you find the balance you are going to find yourself working more efficiently. Unplugging yourself as a realtor doesn’t have to be as difficult as it may seem.