New Feature: Easily Manage Your Real Estate Website and Blog

In order to make it much easier and faster for you to manage your real estate website and blog, all Buying Buddy websites and blogs have been updated with more user-friendly WordPress features into the admin area.

1) New drag-and-drop media uploader
The drag-and-drop media uploader lets you easily add images and videos into your real estate website or blog. All you have to do is drag the file from your computer’s desktop (or wherever you have it stored) and drop it into the media uploader.

To access the uploader, simply click “Upload/Insert” located above the content editor when you are editing a page or blog post, as seen in the following screenshot:

Buying Buddy IDX Real Estate Websites & Lead Capture with CRM

A new window will pop up (pictured below) which is where you can easily drag and drop any image or video to be uploaded. This is a very intuitive and user-friendly feature that will save you valuable time and effort in creating blog posts or website pages.

IDX Real Estate Website Solutions with CRM Lead Management :: Buying Buddy


New hover menus for the admin navigation:
Buying Buddy IDX Real Estate Websites & Lead Capture with CRM Another great new feature included in all Buying Buddy websites and blogsites is the new hover menu for navigating through the back-end of your website and/or blog.

The appearance of this will vary depending on what types of WordPress plugins you have added, but it will look something similar to the image pictured to the right.

When you hover your cursor over a menu item, a sub-menu will pop up allowing you to quickly access any page within your admin dashboard without having to click onto individual pages to find specific information or pages.


3) Updated new toolbar at the top of the admin screen:
The updated toolbar at the top of the admin screen allows you to quickly navigate between the front-end of your website (what visitors see) and the back-end of your website (the admin area where you make edits). You can also add new pages, blog posts, links, images, and videos from the added drop down menu. Again, this may look different depending on your unique settings.



This adds yet another intuitive and user-friendly way for you to easily add items to your real estate website and/or blog without having to search through the admin area, saving you even more time and effort.

Check out the new updates for yourself, or contact us for more information!