February 2025
Special Pricing for Cooperative Arkansas CARMLS IDX
IDX CRM Solution @ $49/mo
See Pricing for full details.
An IDX data license will be required to show listings from Cooperative Arkansas CARMLS, and we will assist with this.
The Cooperative Arkansas (CARMLS) data feed is currently updated constantly throughout the day.
Main City and MLS area coverage for Cooperative Arkansas (CARMLS)
* Abbott * Aberdeen * Acorn * Ada * Adkins Lake * Adona * Agnos * Alabam * Albion * Alco * Alexander * Algoa * Alicia * Alix * Alleene * Allison * Allport * Alma * Almyra * Alpena * Alpine * Alread * Altheimer * Alton * Altus * Aly * Amagon * Amity * Amy * Andy * Annona * Antioch * Antoine * Aplin * Appleton * Apt * Arbyrd * Arden * Arkadelphia * Arkana * Arkansas City * Arkinda * Arkola * Armorel * Armstrong * Armstrong Springs * Ash Flat * Ashdown * Athelstan * Athens * Atkins * Atlanta * Attica * Aubrey * Augsburg * Augusta * Austin * Auvergne * Avery * Avilla * Avinger * Avoca * Back Gate * Balch * Bald Knob * Banks * Banner * Barber * Barfield * Barling * Barney * Barton * Bass * Bassett * Batavia * Bates * Batesville * Battiest * Bauxite * Bay * Bay Village * Bayou Meto * Bear Cr. Sprs. * Bearden * Beaver * Beck * Becton * Bee Branch * Beebe * Beech Grove * Beedeville * Beirne * Bella Vista * Bellefonte * Belles Fleurs * Belleville * Bellville * Ben * Ben Hur * Ben Lomond * Benton * Bentonville * Bergman * Berlin * Berryville * Best * Bethel * Bethel Hts * Bethesda * Beulah * Bexar * Big Cedar * Big Flat * Big Fork * Bigelow * Biggers * Billstown * Bingen * Birdeye * Birdsong * Birdtown * Birta * Biscoe * Bismarck * Bivins * Black Fork * Black Oak * Black Rock * Black Sprs. * Blackburn * Blackton * Blackville * Blackwell * Blakely * Blakemore * Blevins * Bloomburg * Bloomer * Bloomfield * Blue Ball * Blue Eye * Blue Mountain * Blue Springs * Blue Sprs. Vil. * Bluff City * Bluffton * Blytheville * Board Camp * Bodcaw * Bogata * Bogg Springs * Boles * Bonanza * Bondsville * Bonnerdale * Bono * Booneville * Boswell * Botkinburg * Boughton * Bowman * Boxley * Boydell * Boydsville * Bradford * Bradley * Bragg City * Branch * Brasfield * Brashears * Brentwood * Brickeys * Bridger Park * Briggsville * Brighton * Brighton Place * Brightstar * Brinkley * Brister * Brockwell * Brookeland * Brookings * Brookland * Brown Sprs. * Brownstown * Brownsville * Bruins * Bruno * Brush Creek * Bryans * Bryant * Buckeye * Buckner * Buckville * Buena Vista * Buffalo * Buffalo City * Buford * Bull Shoals * Burdette * Burg * Burlington * Burnville * Burtsell * Bussey * Butlerville * Butterfield * Byron * Cabot * Caddo Gap * Caddo Mills * Caddo Valley * Cain * Calamine * Caldwell * Cale * Calhoun * Calico Rock * Calion * Calmer * Calumet * Camden * Cammack Village * Camp * Campbell * Campbell Station * Canaan * Canehill * Caney * Canfield * Capps * Caraway * Carbon City * Cardwell * Carlisle * Carmi * Carroll's Corner * Carrollton * Carryville * Carson * Carter Cove Use Area * Carthage * Caruthersville * Casa * Cash * Cass * Casscoe * Catalpa * Cato * Catron * Caulksville * Cauthron * Cave City * Cave Springs * Cecil * Cedar Creek * Cedar Ridge * Cedarville * Celeste * Center * Center Hill * Center Pt. * Center Ridge * Centerton * Centerville * Central * Central City * Cerrogordo * Chapel Hill * Charleston * Charlotte * Chatfield * Chelford * Cherokee City * Cherokee Village * Cherry Hill * Cherry Valley * Cherryville * Chester * Chickalah * Chicot * Chicot Jct. * Chidester * Childress * Chismville * Choctaw * Chula * Cincinnati * Clarendon * Clarkedale * Clarkridge * Clarksville * Clarkton * Clay * Cleveland * Clever * Clifty * Clinton * Clow * Clyde * Coal Hill * Coaldale * Coleman * College City * College Station * Collegeville * Collins * Colt * Columbia * Columbus * Combs * Cominto * Commerce * Como * Compton * Concord * Congo * Conway * Cookville * Cooter * Cord * Corinth * Cornerstone * Cornerville * Corning * Cotter * Cotton Plant * Couch * Cove * Cowell * Cowlingsville * Coy * Cozahome * Crabtree * Crawfordsville * Crockett * Crocketts Bluff * Cross Roads * Crosses * Crossett * Crossroads * Crows * Crumrod * Crystal Springs * Culpepper * Cumby * Curtis * Cushman * Cypert * Cypress Creek * Daingerfield * Daisy * Dalark * Dalby Springs * Dallas * Dalton * Damascus * Dangerfield * Danville * Dardanelle * Datto * Dayton * De Kalb * De Luce * De Queen * De Valls Bluff * Dean Sprs. * Deann * Deans Market * Decatur * Deer * Delaney * Delaplaine * Delaware * Delight * Dell * Denmark * Dennard * Denning * Denver * Denwood * Dermott * Des Arc * Desha * Detroit * Dewey * Dewitt * Diamond City * Diamondhead * Diaz * Dierks * Dixie * Doddridge * Dolph * Domino * Donaldson * Dongola * Doniphan * Douglas * Douglassville * Dover * Dowdy * Drakes Corner * Drasco * Driggs * Dripping Springs * Driver * Dryden * Dumas * Durham * Dutch Mills * Dutton * Dyer * Dyess * E. Camden * Eagle Mills * Eagleton * Earle * East End * Eaton * Ebony * Economy * Edgemont * Edmondson * Egypt * El Dorado * El Paso * Elaine * Eldridge * Elgin * Elizabeth * Elk Ranch * Elkins * Elliott * Elm Springs * Elm Store * Emerson * Emmet * Empire * Enders * Engelberg * England * Enola * Enterprise * Eros * Erwin * Ethel * Etowah * Eudora * Eureka Springs * Evansville * Evening Shade * Evening Star * Everton * Excelsior * Fair Oaks * Fairfield Bay * Fairmont * Fairview * Falcon * Falls Chapel * Fallsville * Fannie * Fargo * Farmington * Farville * Fayetteville * Felsenthal * Felton * Fender * Fendley * Ferguson * Ferguson Crossroads * Fern * Ferndale * Fifty Six * Figure Five * Fisher * Fitzhugh * Flippin * Floral * Florence * Floyd * Fomby * Fontaine * Fordyce * Foreman * Formosa * Forrest City * Fort Lynn * Fort Smith * Forty Four * Forum * Fouke * Fountain Hill * Fountain Lake * Fourche * Fourche Jct. * Fourche Valley * Fox * Franklin * Free Hope * Frenchmans Bayou * Frenchport * Fresno * Friendship * Fulton * Furlow * Gainsville * Gaither * Galla Rock * Gallatin * Galloway * Gamaliel * Gardner * Garfield * Garland * Garner * Garrett Bridge * Garrett Grove * Gassville * Gateway * Geneva * Genoa * Gentry * Georgetown * Gepp * Geridge * Gethsemane * Gibson * Gieseck * Gifford * Gilbert * Gillett * Gillham * Gilmore * Gin City * Glen Rose * Glencoe * Glendale * Glenwood * Gold Creek * Goodwin * Goshen * Gosnell * Gould * Grady * Grange * Grannis * Grapevine * Graphic * Gravel Ridge * Gravelly * Gravesville * Gravette * Gray Rock * Grays * Greasy Corner * Green For. * Green Hill * Greenbrier * Greene High * Greenfield * Greenland * Greenville * Greenway * Greenwich Village * Greenwood * Greers Ferry * Gregory * Griffith Spring * Griffithtown * Griffithville * Grinder * Grubbs * Guernsey * Guion * Gum Sprs. * Gurdon * Guy * Hackett * Hagarville * Halley * Halley Junction * Halliday * Hamburg * Hampton * Hanna * Hanover * Hardin * Hardy * Hargrave Corner * Harmon * Harmony * Harmony Grove * Harp * Harrell * Harriet * Harris Brake * Harrisburg * Harrison * Hartford * Hartman * Hartwell * Harvey * Harviell * Haskell * Hasty * Hatfield * Hattieville * Hatton * Havana * Hawcreek * Haynes * Hayti * Hazen * Heafer * Healing Springs * Heart * Heavener * Heber Springs * Hector * Helena * Hempwallace * Henderson * Hensley * Herbine * Hermitage * Hervey * Heth * Hickman * Hickoria * Hickory Flat * Hickory Plains * Hickory Ridge * Hicks Station * Hicksville * Higden * Higginson * Highfill * Highland * Hilleman * Hindsville * Hiwasse * Hochatown * Hodgen * Holiday Island * Holland * Hollis * Holly Grove * Holly Island * Holly Sprs. * Hollywood * Holub * Homan * Homewood * Hon * Honobia * Honolulu * Hooker * Hooks * Hope * Hopper * Horatio * Horseshoe Bend * Horseshoe Lake * Horton * Hot Springs * Hot Springs Vill. * Hot Springs Village * Houston * Howell * Hoxie * Huffman * Hughes * Hughes Springs * Humnoke * Humphrey * Hunt * Hunter * Huntington * Huntsville * Hurricane Grove * Huttig * Hydrick * Ida * Idabel * Imboden * Immanuel * Indian * Indian Bay * Ingalls * Ingleside * Ink * Ione * Iron Sprs. * Ivan * Jacksonport * Jacksonville * Jamestown * Japton * Jasper * Jefferson * Jennette * Jennie * Jenny Lind * Jericho * Jerome * Jersey * Jerusalem * Jessieville * Jessup * Joan * Johnson * Johnsville * Joiner * Jones Mill * Jonesboro * Joplin * Jordan * Joshua * Joy * Joyce City * Judd Hill * Judsonia * Julius * Junction City * Keiser * Kelso * Kennett * Kensett * Kenwood * Keo * Kerr * Kibler * Kindall * King * King's Crossing * Kingsland * Kingston * Kirby * Kirkland * Knob * Knobel * Knoxville * La Grange * Lacey * Lacrosse * Ladd * Ladelle * Lafe * Lake City * Lake Dick * Lake Francis * Lake Hamilton * Lake Overcup * Lake View * Lake Village * Lakeport * Lakeview * Lamar * Lamartine * Lambert * Lambrook * Landers * Landis * Laneburg * Langley * Lanieve * Lansing * Lapile * Larue * Laurel * Lavaca * Lawson * Leachville * Lead Hill * Leary * Lebanon * Lee Creek * Lehi * Leola * Leonard * Lepanto * Leslie * Lester * Letona * Lewisville * Lexa * Light * Lily * Limestone * Lincoln * Linden * Lisbon * Little Flock * Little Italy * Little Rock * Locke * Lockesburg * Locust Bayou * Locust Grove * Lodge Corner * Lodi * London * Lone Oak * Lone Pine * Lone Star * Lono * Lonoke * Lonsdale * Lookout * Lorado * Lost Bridge Shores * Lost Corner * Louann * Louise * Lowell * Ludwig * Lumber * Lundell * Lunenburg * Lunsford * Lurton * Lutherville * Luxora * Lynn * Mabelvale * Macedonia * Macon * Madison * Magazine * Magness * Magnet Cove * Magnolia * Mallard Estates * Malvern * Mammoth Spring * Mandeville * Manila * Mann, Sherman * Manning * Mansfield * Manson * Marble * Marble Falls * Marcella * Marianna * Marie * Marietta * Marion * Marked Tree * Marmaduke * Marshall * Marvell * Maryville * Mason Valley * Masonville * Maud * Maumelle * Mayfield * Mayflower * Maynard * Maysville * Mcarthur * Mccaskill * Mcclelland * Mccormick * Mccrory * Mcdougal * Mcelroy * Mcgehee * Mcgintytown * Mchue * Mckamie * Mcleod * Mcmilan Corner * Mcnab * Mcneil * Mcrae * Meadowcliff * Melbourne * Mellwood * Mena * Menifee * Meridian * Metalton * Middlebrook * Midland * Midway * Midway Corner * Mill * Milligan Ridge * Milltown * Milo * Mineral Sprs. * Minturn * Mist * Mitchell * Mitchellville * Moark * Moko * Monette * Monkey Run * Monnie Springs * Monroe * Monticello * Montongo * Montrose * Moorefield * Moreland * Morganton * Morning Star * Morning Sun * Moro * Moro Bay * Morobay * Morrilton * Morris * Morrison Bluff * Morriston * Morrow * Morton * Mosby * Moscow * Mosley * Mossville * Mounds * Mount Gaylor * Mount George * Mount Ida * Mount Judea * Mount Pleasant * Mount Tabor Estates * Mount Vernon * Mountain Home * Mountain Pine * Mountain Top * Mountain Valley * Mountain View * Mountainburg * Mt. Herman * Mt. Holly * Mt. Moriah * Mt. Olive * Mt. Vernon * Mt. Zion * Muddyfork * Mulberry * Murfreesboro * Muse * Myron * Nady * Nail * Nana Chito * Nance * Naples * Nash * Nashoba * Nashville * Nathan * Natural Dam * Natural Steps * Naylor * Nebo * Needham * Needmore * Nelsonville * Neuhardt * New Blaine * New Boston * New Edinburg * New Hope * New London * Newark * Newburg * Newell * Newhope * Newnata * Newport * Nimmons * Nimrod * Noble Lake * Noland * Norfork * Norman * Norphlet * North Bingen * North Crossett * North Little Rock * Number Nine * Nunley * O'donnell Bend * O'kean * Oak Forest * Oak Grove * Oak Grove Heights * Oakhaven * Oakland * Oark * Octavia * Oden * Ogden * Ogemaw * Oil Trough * Okay * Okolona * Ola * Old Alabam * Old Hickory * Old Jenny Lind * Old Joe * Old Milo * Old Union * Olio * Olmstead * Olvey * Olyphant * Omaha * Oneida * Onia * Onyx * Opal * Oppelo * Original Survey To Monette * Osage * Osceola * Other * Otto * Otwell * Ouachita * Overcup * Owensville * Oxford * Oxley * Ozan * Ozark * Ozark Acres * Ozone * Page * Palatka * Palestine * Palmyra * Pangburn * Pansy * Paragould * Paraloma * Paris * Parkdale * Parkers * Parkers Chapel * Parkin * Parks * Parnell * Paron * Parthenon * Pastoria * Patmos * Patrick * Patterson * Payneway * Pea Ridge * Peach Orchard * Pearcy * Pearson * Peel * Pelican Point * Pelsor * Pencil Bluff * Penjur * Pennys * Penrose * Perkinston * Perla * Perry * Perrytown * Perryville * Peter Pender * Petit Jean Mountain * Pettigrew * Pettus * Pfeiffer * Philadelphia * Pickens * Pickton * Piggott * Pike City * Pindall * Pine Bluff * Pine City * Pine Grove * Pine Ridge * Pine Tree * Pineville * Piney Grove * Pinnacle * Pisgah * Pitts * Plainfield * Plainview * Pleasant Grove * Pleasant Hill * Pleasant Plains * Pleasant Valley * Plumerville * Plummerville * Plunketts * Plunkettville * Pocahontas * Point Cedar * Pollard * Ponca * Pontoon * Poplar Grove * Poplarville (ms) * Portia * Portland * Possum Grape * Postelle * Potter * Potter Jct. * Pottsville * Poughkeepsie * Powhatan * Poyen * Prairie Creek * Prairie Grove * Prairie View * Prattsville * Prescott * Preston Ferry * Prim * Princeton * Process City * Proctor * Promised Land * Protem * Protem * Providence * Provo * Pruitt * Pumpkin Bend * Pyatt * Queen City * Quinlan * Quinn * Quitman * Raggio * Ragtown * Ralph * Ramsey * Ramsey Hill * Ranger * Ratcliff * Ratio * Ravanna * Ravenden * Ravenden Springs * Rea Valley * Reader * Readland * Rector * Red Lick * Red Star * Red Wing * Redfield * Redwater * Reed * Relfs Bluff * Rena * Republican * Reydell * Reyno * Rich * Richmond * Richwoods * Ridgeway * Rison * River Bend * Rivervale * Rob Roy * Rock Springs * Rockport * Rocky * Rocky Mound * Roe * Rogers * Rohwer * Roland * Rolla * Romance * Rondo * Rosa * Rosboro * Rose Bud * Roseland * Roseville * Rosie * Rosston * Rotan * Round Pond * Rover * Rowell * Royal * Rudd * Ruddell Hill * Rudy * Rule * Rupert * Rurban * Rushing * Russell * Russellville * Rye * S. Ozark * Saddle * Saffell * Sage * Saint Charles * Saint Francis * Saint James * Saint Joe * Saint Paul * Saint Vincent * Salado * Salem * Salesville * Saltillo * Salus * Sandtown * Saratoga * Sardis * Savoy * Schaal * Schooley * Schug * Scotland * Scott * Scott Valley * Scottsville * Scranton * Scroggins * Searcy * Seaton * Seaton Dump * Sedgwick * Sellers Store * Selma * Senath * Seyppel * Shady Grove * Shannon * Shannon Hills * Sharum * Shaw * Shearerville * Shell Lake * Sheppard * Sheridan * Sherrill * Sherwood * Shiloh * Shirley * Shoffner * Shover Springs * Shuler * Sidney * Sidon * Siloam Springs * Silver Hill * Simms * Sims * Simsboro * Sitka * Slaytonville * Slovak * Smackover * Smale * Smithville * Snow Hill * Snow Lake * Snowball * Snyder * Social Hill * Solgohachia * Sonora * Soudan * South Bend * South Lead Hill * South Side * Spadra * Sparkman * Spring Hill * Spring Valley * Springdale * Springfield * Springhill * Springtown * Stacy * Stagecoach * Stamps * Standard-umsted * Stanford * Star City * Staves * Steele * Stephens * Steprock * Stokes * Stonewall * Stony Point * Story * Strawberry * Strickler * Strong * Sturkie * Stuttgart * Subiaco * Success * Sugar Grove * Sukup 49 * Sulphur Bluff * Sulphur City * Sulphur Rock * Sulphur Springs * Sulphur Sprs. * Summers * Summit * Sumpter * Sunnyside * Sunset * Supply * Swain * Swan Lake * Sweden * Sweet Home * Swifton * Sylamore * Sylvania * Talco * Talihina * Tamo * Tarry * Taylor * Texarkana * Thayer * Thebes * Thida * Thompson Grove * Thornburg * Thornton * Three Brothers * Three Crs. * Tichnor * Tillar * Tilly * Tilton * Timbo * Tinsman * Tira * Tokio * Tollette * Tollville * Tomato * Tomberlin * Tontitown * Tract E * Traskwood * Trenton * Troy * Trumann * Tucker * Tuckerman * Tulip * Tull * Tulot * Tumbling Shoals * Tupelo * Turner * Turrell * Tuttle * Twin Groves * Twist * Tyro * Tyronza * Ulm * Umpire * Union * Uniontown * Unknown * Urbana * Urbanette * Vaden * Valley Gin * Valley Springs * Valley View * Van Buren * Vandervoort * Vanndale * Vaughn * Velvet Ridge * Vendor * Verona * Vesta * Vick * Vicksburg * Victoria * Village * Vilonia * Vimy Ridge * Vincent * Vinity Corner * Viola * Violet Hill * Vista Shores * W. Crossett * Wabash * Wabbaseka * Wake Village * Walcott * Waldenburg * Waldo * Waldron * Walker * Walkers Creek * Walkerville * Wallace * Walnut Grove * Walnut Hill * Walnut Ridge * Walnut Springs * Waltreak * War Eagle * Ward * Warm Springs * Warren * Washburn * Washington * Washita * Waterloo * Watkins Corner * Watson * Waveland * Webb City * Weber * Wedington * Wedington Woods * Weiner * Welcome * Weldon * Weona * Wesley * Wesson * West End * West Fk. * West Helena * West Memphis * West Point * West Ridge * West Tawakoni * Westbrook * Western Grove * Wheatley * Wheeler * Wheeling * Whelen Springs * Whistleville * Whitaker * White * White Hall * Whitesboro * Whiteville * Whitmore * Wickes * Wideman * Widener * Wiederkehr Village * Wilburn * Williford * Willisville * Willow * Wilmar * Wilmot * Wilson * Winchester * Winfield * Wing * Winnsboro * Winslow * Winterbrook * Winthrop * Wirth * Wiseman * Witcherville * Witt Springs * Witter * Wiville * Wolf Bayou * Wolfe City * Woodlawn * Woodrow * Woodson * Wooster * Wright * Wrightsville * Wye Mountain * Wynne * Y City * Yellville * Yorktown * Zinc * Zion
MLS IDX data was last updated 32 mins ago.
Property Status Supported:
For Sale, For Rent, Sold, Under Contract
The IDX plugin and CRM supports 75 local MLS fields from Cooperative Arkansas CARMLS
Including at least: * 1/2 Baths * Acres * Address * Address Number * Appliances * Approx Sq Ft * Area * Basement * Bedrooms * City * Construction * Cooling * County * Description Txt * Dining Room Size * Directions * Elementary School * Email * Exterior Amenities * Family Room Size * Fireplace * Foundation * Full Bathrooms * Great Room Location * Great Room Size * HOA Description * HOA Fee * HOA Fee Frequency * Heat * High School * Interior * Kitchen Location * Latitude * Listing Agent * Listing Office * Listor * Living Room Location * Living Room Size * Longitude * Lot Description * Lot Size * MLS # * MLS# * Middle School * New Construction * Office Name * Orig Price * Parking * Photo Count * Price * Property Type * Property Uid * Public Remarks * Rec Room Size * Roofing * Room Type * Sewer * Sps Id * State * Status * Status * Stories * Street Name * Street Type * Style * Subdivision * Taxes * Type * Unit * Utilities * Utility Room Location * Utility Room Size * Virtual Tour * Year Built * Zip Code(s)
Open House information is included!
Cooperative Arkansas CARMLS IDX Display and search fields also include:
MLS Agent ID, MLS Office ID, Listed Date, Sold Date, Price Drop, Status, Has Photos, Virtual Tours, and more.
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IDX CRM Solution @ $49/mo
See Pricing for full details.
IDX Solution
Fully Integrated
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